

Why claiming internet and phone on tax returns is a BAD idea this year

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작성자 Francisco Arago… 댓글 0건 조회 25회 작성일 24-04-30 01:05


The tax office is cracking down on false expenses claims, and this year home office deductions are under heavy scrutiny.

Phone and internet bills are some of the most commonly claimed expenses, but the Australian Tax Office has said too many people are filing dishonestly.

Without the required evidence, the ATO can knock claims down to $50 or reject them outright, and even apply a penalty for not taking reasonable care.

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The tax office is cracking down on false expenses claims, and this year home office deductions are under scrutiny (stock image)

ATO Assistant Commissioner Kath Anderson said it was fine to claim home office expenses, 휴대폰미납인터넷가입 but many taxpayers were unaware of the rules, News.com.au reported.

'One of the biggest issues we are seeing is people claiming the entire amount of expenses like their internet or mobile phone, not just the extra bit related to work,' Ms Anderson said. 





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'We are seeing some taxpayers claiming expenses they never paid for, expenses their employer reimbursed, private expenses and expenses with no supporting records.'

Ms Anderson said it was common for the ATO to disallow claims where the taxpayer has no supporting documentation. 

Phone and internet bills are some of the most commonly claimed expenses, but the Australian Tax Office has said too many people are filing dishonestly (stock image)

'Even though detailed receipts are not required for phone and internet claims up to $50 per year, it's not an automatic entitlement — you still need to be able to show how you calculated your claim,' she said.

Employers can also be contacted to verify expenses related to working from home, Ms Anderson warned, resulting in claims being knocked back.


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