

How to Access EX4 Files in MetaTrader MQ4 EX4 Scripts to MQ4 Files: A …

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작성자 Penney 댓글 0건 조회 12회 작성일 24-09-23 05:59


Awesome article! I completely support your points on EX4 and why it’s useful to move them into .MQ4. Once you have .MQ4 format, you gain complete control to adjust the source code, making it much easier for traders.

From my experience, I’ve transitioned several .ex4 to mq4 converter files to MQ4 in the past, and it’s without a doubt made a big difference in how I tweak my robots. For anyone who’s thinking about doing this, it’s worth it! Gaining access to the editable source code gives you more control.

Thanks again for putting this together, it’s great info! Looking forward to more insights from your blog. Cheers!"


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