

Concise Electronics for Geeks

페이지 정보

작성자 Dillon Mack 댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일 24-09-03 07:06


Looking at the photon aspects of this, one realizes that one must be very careful in applying the conventional assumption that the photon and the antiphoton are identically the same. Priore’s remarkable and previously unexplained cures of terminal tumors in lab animals are cited as examples of applying the new model, albeit unwittingly. The mechanism for Priore’s demonstrated cures of terminal tumors in laboratory animals under rigorous scientific protocols is explained. Utilizing the new EM bioeffects model, Kaznacheyev’s demonstration that any cellular death or disease can be caused electromagnetically is explained. A self-targeting mechanism is presented whereby complex WZ EM biwave pumping of the "cell as a nonlinear phase conjugate mirror material" produces an exact EM antidote signal for the specific cellular disease. A new definition for cancer is advanced, as is a long-term cumulative mechanism that causes it. Newton’s third law reaction wave." "Newton’s third law" was just mysteriously invoked, as if it had no causative mechanism. Yet in quantum field theory the cause of all forces is the absorption or emission of virtual particles. The cause of all mechanical and electromagnetic forces is the absorption or emission of virtual photons. So Newton’s third law for mechanical and electromagnetic reactions must also be due to the exchange of virtual photons. In other words, there was an extra half of the "something" in the vacuum that interacted with our detectors and gave us the "free electron gas’s transverse precession waves.

An environmental negative feedback mechanism is stated for long-term, cumulative causative mutation, yielding Sheldrake’s morphogenetic field, which is a species quantum potential. Using the Whittaker/Ziolkowski (WZ) internal structure of the scalar potential, Bohm’s quantum potential and an engineerable variant of his hidden variable theory emerge. Sakharov, A.D. (1968) "Vacuum Quantum Fluctuations in Curved Space and the Theory of Gravitation," Sov. The objective of the Regulations is to "promote uninterrupted supply of electricity by reducing outages, fluctuations in electricity supply and other hazards, what are electric cables including the risks of fire and human injury caused by the proximity of trees to electricity lines". The Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 were introduced in January 2004 by the Ministry of Economic Development to help protect public safety and supply of power. Tree roots can grow around underground electricity cables damaging the insulation and causing power supply failure. Electric cables used to transmit information are quite different from power cables, both in function and in design. Trees too close to lines can also become a dangerous hazard with the potential to cause power surges and appliance damage, power failure, fire, electric shock or electrocution. Electric devices using power cables that connect to wall outlets using only two prongs instead of three are designed with a floating ground.

There are numerous reasons why manufacturers may prefer to create a floating ground in an electric or electronic device;the most common of which is that it can protect the safety of a low-voltage power supply, such as those commonly used for smartphones and other consumer electronic devices. A floating ground is a type of electrical wiring solution that prevents an electrical circuit from returning electric current to the Earth. What Is a Floating Ground? When an electrical device is built to isolate its interior analogue grounding points and distribute them to a single spot that is not connected to the Earth, the ground is considered a floating one. Use a wire where you need a simple, single conduction path between two points. Non-metallic (or NM) 120-volt and 240-volt electrical cables come in two main parts: the outer plastic sheathing (or jacket) and the inner, color-coded wires. Green plastic insulation is sometimes used to indicate ground wires. If you see damage to the network or PowerNet’s electrical equipment please keep yourself and other people well away from any wires or damaged equipment. Thus, both hot and neutral wires have the potential to shock and injure you.

These were available in both dial and touch-tone versions I have several of these in fidderent coulours, both early and late, and in both dial and touch-tone.. Causative mechanisms have so far eluded research. A strong candidate emerges for the internal mechanisms used for mind, thought, long term memory, and deep cellular control by Popp’s master cellular control system. Thus both have positive spin, but differ in their internal components. Thus in the H-bonding fluid surrounding the hemoglobin molecule, there exists an H-bond scalar potential, and by Whittaker/Ziolkowski (W/Z) decomposition it has a multi-wave structure. This ensures that there is no electrical connection between the high-voltage power grid and the low-voltage electronic device, making it unlikely that the device will unexpectedly short-circuit when charging. The boundaries of this subset are somewhat fuzzy, to be sure - power supplies, optoelectronics, and electromechanical components are commonly excluded, for example; so tend to be all semiconductors, even though some of them are not meant to be amplifiers. Both postulates in the conventional EM bioeffects model are in error, as is the classical electromagnetics model (CEM) itself. Major errors in CEM are presented. It is argued that inexpensive, quick, nondebilitating, cures can be developed for most major dread diseases, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, and AIDS.


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