

How to control and improve the pixels of LED full-color display

페이지 정보

작성자 Keira 댓글 0건 조회 8회 작성일 24-06-19 22:25


With the opening of the 2008 Olympic Games, LED full-color displays will be widely used in sports venues and road traffic instructions, and will directly promote the rapid increase in the number of stadium screens. At the same time, due to the quality of LED displays The requirements are also high, so the proportion of high-end screens will also increase, and the improvement in quantity and quality will drive the growth of the LED display market. In addition to sports venues, another area directly promoted by major events such as the Olympic Games and the World Expo is the field of advertising. Advertising companies at home and abroad are bound to be optimistic about the business opportunities brought by the Olympic Games and the World Expo, so they will inevitably increase the number of outdoor advertising displays. Increase their own income, thereby promoting the development of the LED display market.

So, how do we control and improve the pixel technology of LED full-color display? The most commonly used methods are: 1. Pixel sharing technology 2. Dynamic pixel technology 3. Virtual pixel technology!

Their working principles are described as follows:

1. Pixel sharing technology: A complete independent pixel of the display terminal is cyclically refreshed by the information of multiple adjacent pixels in the signal source in a time-division multiplexed manner. It can be understood that multiple pixels in the signal source share a complete independent pixel of the display terminal in a time-division multiplexed manner.

2. Dynamic pixel technology: split a pixel into several independent LED units. Each LED unit reproduces the corresponding primary color information of several adjacent pixels in a time-division multiplexed manner.

3. Virtual pixel technology: In the display system, when the displayed information scrolls in a certain direction in a certain way, using the characteristics of human visual pause, a series of movements will occur between two adjacent pixels, Physically non-existing virtual pixels, so as to adjust each single LED tube to enhance the resolution of the LED display to achieve the best image effect, which can theoretically increase the image resolution by 4 times.

In short, in addition to the pixel aspect, the technical indicators of the full-color indoor led video wall large screen include the following aspects: high enough brightness, gray scale, scanning refresh rate, viewing distance and viewing angle; the value of the LED display is through color reproduction It is reflected in aspects such as degree, video signal processing capability and structural technology.


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