

How do I cite a source Ive only seen quoted in another source?

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작성자 Brandi 댓글 0건 조회 54회 작성일 24-04-12 02:32


Return on investment (ROI) An expression of the value of an investment in change based on the gain in benefit relative to the cost. Responsibility assignment matrix A diagram or chart showing assigned responsibilities for elements of work. It is created by combining the work breakdown structure with the organisational breakdown structure. Resources all news (galaxynote9news.com) the labour and non-labour items required to undertake the scope of work to the required quality. Resource availability The level of availability of a resource, which may vary over time. Request for proposal (RFP) A bid document used to request proposals from prospective sellers of products or services.

This curve tends to be flat at the beginning and end and steep in the middle, reflecting the lower expenditure of resources at the beginnings and ends of projects. Reserve Similar to a contingency, a reserve is the planned allotment of time and cost or other resources for unforeseeable elements with a project. Provider selection and management The processes of identifying and selecting management providers through the project, programme and portfolio life cycle. Project organisation (structure) Provides the maximum authority to the project manager. However, this leads to duplication of facilities, and less efficient use of resources.

  • Traffic light reports A type of progress report that explains the current status of the programme or project in the form of a traffic light colour, for example red 5 problems, amber 5 some concerns, green 5 no problems.
  • The tests on value for money must be applied, and the costs of paid publicity must be justified.
  • Rolling wave planning The process whereby short-term work is planned in detail and longer-term work is planned in outline only.

Plan for Digital Regulation – sets out the government’s overall approach for governing digital technologies in order to drive growth and innovation. Incident Management – the management and coordination of activities to investigate, and remediate, an actual or potential occurrence of an adverse cyber event that may compromise or cause harm to a system or network. Cyber Incident – an occurrence that actually or potentially poses a threat to a computer, internet-connected device, or network – or data processed, stored, or transmitted on those systems – which may require a response action to mitigate the consequences. Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF) – provides a systematic and comprehensive approach to assessing the extent to which cyber risks to essential functions are being managed by the organisation responsible.

Someone who spearheads an idea or action and ‘sells it’ throughout the organisation. Balanced matrix An organisational matrix where functions and projects have the same priority. Backward pass A technique used to calculate the latest start and finish dates for each activity, based on the activity durations and their logic.

It usually affects studies when observers are aware of the research aims or hypotheses. This type of research bias is also called detection bias or ascertainment bias. The downsides of naturalistic observation include its lack of scientific control, ethical considerations, and potential for bias from observers and subjects. You can organise the questions logically, with a clear progression from simple to complex, or randomly between respondents.

Such adoption has continued around the world, including in Vancouver, where 30,000 citizens co-created the Vancouver Greenest City 2020 Action Plan. Many of the IoT devices use edge computing, which ensures that only the most relevant and important data is delivered over the communication network. In addition, a security system is implemented to protect, monitor and control the transmission of data from the smart city network and prevent unauthorised access to the IoT network of city’s data platform. Smart cities use a variety of software, user interfaces and communication networks alongside the Internet of Things (IoT) to deliver connected solutions for the public.

Major technology companies also have a particular responsibility to prioritise their own cyber resilience. The increasing dependency of businesses, government and wider society on cloud and online services is creating new and unique vulnerabilities and interdependencies. Benefit A positive and measurable impact of change.Benefits framework An outline of the expected benefits of the project (or programme), the business operations affected and current and target performance measures.

The opposite of the hasty generalization fallacy is called slothful induction fallacy or appeal to coincidence. Name-calling is common in ad hominem fallacy (e.g., "environmental activists are ineffective because they’re all lazy tree-huggers"). An ad hominem (Latin for "to the person") is a type of informal logical fallacy. Instead of arguing against a person’s position, an ad hominem argument attacks the person’s character or actions in an effort to discredit them.

  • 11.The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is responsible for the overall implementation of the NIS Regulations, including co-ordinating the relevant authorities and NCSC.
  • At the time of the attack, the government quickly provided advice and recommended actions to those affected and Microsoft said that by the end of March that 92% of customers had patched against the vulnerability.
  • Response bias is a general term used to describe a number of different conditions or factors that cue respondents to provide inaccurate or false answers during surveys or interviews.
  • The success of a smart city relies on the relationship between the public and private sectors as much of the work to create and maintain a data-driven environment falls outside the local government remit.

Domain – a domain name locates an organisation or other entity on the internet and corresponds to an Internet Protocol (IP) address. 19.The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) provides advice on related physical and personnel security. 15.These are responsible for oversight and enforcement of the NIS Regulations in their sectors, designating and assessing the compliance of OESs and RDSPs to the requirements of the NIS Regulations.

Facilitation An approach to working with groups in a collaborative way to create energy and make it easy for the group to solve problems. Exception management An approach to management that focuses on drawing attention to instances where planned and actual results are expected to be, or are already, significantly different. Estimating funnel A representation of the increasing levels of estimating accuracy that can be achieved through the phases of the life cycle. Escalation The process by which issues are drawn to the attention of a higher level of management. End user The person or organisation that will use the facility produced by the project or the products produced by such a facility.

Positivity bias is closely related to optimism bias, or the expectation that things will work out well, even if rationality suggests that problems are inevitable in life. We tend to seek out and prefer information that supports our preexisting beliefs, ignoring any information that contradicts those beliefs. Although there is no definite answer to what causes the placebo effect, researchers propose a number of explanations such as the power of suggestion, doctor-patient interaction, classical conditioning, etc. Multiple imputation involves using simulations to replace the missing data with likely values. Alternatively, you can use sample weighting to make up for the uneven balance of participants in your sample. If you have a small amount of attrition bias, you can use a few statistical methods to try to make up for this research bias.

The Data Protection Act 1984 gives legal rights to individuals in respect of personal data held about them by others. Departments should be aware of the Data Protection Act 1998, implemented in March 2000, which introduced significant changes to the 1984 Act. As well as covering automatically processed information, certain manual records are now covered by the Act. Individuals also have rights to prevent processing for purposes of direct marketing. The day-to-day work of government communicators must be understood in the wider context of the legislative environment. There is a range of legislation relating to the work of government communicators and they should, at least, have awareness of data protection, Welsh language, disability discrimination, freedom of information and copyright.

The Special Advisers’ Code of Conduct sets out guidance for rules and work in this area of work. The Civil Service management code outlines civil servants’ terms and conditions of service for government departments and agencies. The statement should be assessed in the light of what is already known about the offence. Investigators should reassess their interview plan as further questions may be amended or prepared as a result of having the new material. Where, following the submission of a prepared statement, a suspect remains silent and a fact not mentioned in the statement is later relied on in the defence, the court or jury is entitled to consider drawing the appropriate inferences. Where a prepared statement containing material that is new to the investigation is tendered at the point of charge, consideration may be given to interviewing the suspect about it if they are still in custody.


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